Wednesday 29 June 2016

Secret Art Sale 2016 - Heath Robinson Museum

Heath Robinson
The Secret Art Sale returns for another year! One of our regular exhibitors, Ann Kopka, is once again helping to organise this fantastic opportunity for artists to exhibit their work and help support the building of a Museum to legendary thinker and artist Heath Robinson. Your art will be sold through a Secret Art Sale in aid of The West House and Heath Robinson Museum Trust in the Upstairs Gallery at West House during the first weekend of November 2016.
Below is an invitation to UK artists, don't forget the organisers will supply the small canvas on which you work on. 

Help raise funds for the Heath Robinson Museum opening in Pinner North West London this year. We invite you to take part in a Secret Art Sale at The Upstairs Gallery West House Pinner Memorial Park, 4-6 November 2016. To register email Deadline 31 August.  We would love you to be part of it.